The only Real and True God Is the One Reality That Merely Is, and That Is Always Already The Case, and That (inherently, and simultaneously) Includes and Transcends All and all. That One Real God is not the "Creator"-Cause for either ego-based hope or ego-based hopelessness - but That One Real God Is the inherently egoless (or Perfectly Subjective, and Perfectly non-objective, and Self-Evidently Divine) Source and Person (or Self-Conscious Self-Condition) of the inherently egoless Love-Bliss-Light That Is the Single (and non-dual) Substance of all arising conditions. Those who argue for belief in conventional God-religion, based on hopeful interpretations of "objective reality," are (necessarily) egos - already (and inherently) turned away from (or self-contracted within) Reality, Truth, and Real God. And, likewise, those who argue against belief in conventional God-religion, based on hopeless (or, otherwise, neutral) interpretations of "objective reality," are (necessarily) egos - already (and inherently) turned away from (or self-contracted within) Reality, Truth, and Real God. I Say this in Love - not with any intention to mock any one, or merely to argue with or against any one, but only in order to Serve the Awakening of every one to Real-God-Realization and Real-God-Demonstration. The arguments (either for or against "God") that are based on the externalized (or egoically "objectifying") "point of view" are not arguments for the Realization of Reality, Truth, or Real God. Rather, all such arguments are merely the mental and cultural symptoms of egoity itself. The arguments for conventional (or merely exoteric) God-religion (whether pro-scientific or anti-scientific) are merely ego-based (and self-deluded) efforts to console and preserve the presumed human ego-"I" itself, in the face of the obvious and irreducible mortal bleakness of the presumed "objective reality" itself. The arguments for conventional (or merely exoteric) God-religion are not arguments for the practice of the (necessarily, esoteric) Wisdom-Way of (necessarily, ego-transcending) Realization and Demonstration of Reality, Truth, or Real God. Inevitably, the arguments for conventional (or merely exoteric) God-religion (and even the arguments for ostensibly esoteric religion, that - via the idealization of such techniques as strategic "non-violence," "active compassion," or "unconditional love" - make overmuch of interpersonal, social, and political issues and concerns, and that, as a result, make little of the true esotericism of the practice of the Wisdom-Way of actual ego-transcending Realization of Reality Itself, or of Truth Itself, or of That Which Is Real God) are merely the conceptual foundation for exoteric religious propaganda, supporting naive (and merely ego-serving) religious views (which, themselves, typically, are intended merely to support mostly narrow-minded, and, generally, rather puritanical and moralistic, programs for the cultural, social, and political enforcement of conventional ideals of "social morality" - or, really, "civilized" egoity). And the naive (and merely ego-serving) religious views that characterize most of conventional (or merely exoteric) God-religion are also characteristically associated, at best, with nonsensical utopian idealism (or an absurdly hopeful cultural, social, and political worldliness), and, at worst, with moralistically self-righteous (and, necessarily, hypocritical), and, often, intolerant (and even, potentially, oppressive), social and political intentions (even, at last, in the "fundamentalist" mode). And, in any case, scientific materialism (which, like conventional God-religion, always seeks to achieve total cultural, social, and political power to limit and control the minds and lives all of human-kind) manipulates, and progressively dominates, human-kind in very much the same manner (and with the same mixed, and even devastating, results) as conventional God-religion has done, and would do - for such is the nature of egoity (whether individual or collective). Both secular science and conventional (or merely exoteric) God-religion are based upon the two common faults of humankind-egoity and the non-Recognition of the Real Nature (or One-Reality-Condition - or Perfectly Subjective, and Perfectly non-objective, Nature) of phenomenal experience (and of conditional existence, itself). Likewise, both secular science and conventional God-religion also (and equally) support and serve the illusions of humankind, rather than the need for humankind to Realize (and to Demonstrate) Reality, Truth, and Real God. Previous |