The principal illusion supported and served by secular science is epitomized by the idea of "materialism" (or of Reality as thing - without Being, or Consciousness). And the principal illusion supported and served by conventional God-religion is epitomized by the idea of "utopia" (or of Reality as the fulfillment of egoity). Secular science opposes conventional God-religion, and conventional God-religion opposes secular science - each, in turn, proposing that its propositions are, by contrast to the propositions of the other, the correct means for interpreting (and the correct "point of view" relative to) "Reality" and "Truth" and "God." However, neither secular science nor conventional God-religion is a correct (or right and true) means for Realizing (and Demonstrating) Reality (Itself), or Truth (Itself), or Real God. Indeed, "point of view" (of any conditional, or space-time, kind) is precisely the fault that self-separates one and all from the inherent Realization of Reality, Truth, and Real God. Reality, Truth, and Real God Is the Condition of conditions - the inherently egoless (or Perfectly Subjective, and Perfectly non-objective) Self-Condition of one and all. The pattern of "objective reality" is (in and of itself) "known" only from the egoic position (or a space-time "point of view"). If there is no ego-act (or self-contraction), there is no object defined (or separated from Perfect Subjectivity, or Consciousness Itself - which is Always Already Conscious As Reality Itself). The apparent pattern that is patterning as all conditions is not merely patterning (or happening, or evolving) in and by means of the apparently "objective" (or "outer," or superficial) domain of gross conditional exchanges (or transactions). Rather, the apparent pattern that is patterning as all conditions is originating at the comprehensive depth-level - always "inside," and prior to, the grossly apparent (or subsequent, and relatively superficial, and, necessarily, non-comprehensive) level. The Ultimate Source-Condition of the apparent pattern that is patterning as all conditions Is (Itself) the Non-causative (or Most Prior) Self-Condition of all apparent conditional patterns. That Ultimate Source-Condition, Which Is the Most Prior Self-Condition of All and all, is not the "First Cause" (or "Creator" - God) of conventional God-religion - but It Is the inherently egoless (or Perfectly Subjective, Perfectly non-objective and Self-Evidently Divine) Reality (Itself). Reality (Itself) Is the only Real God. Reality (Itself) Is the One and non-dual Source-Person. Reality (Itself) - non-dual, and inherently Free - Is the only Person (of All and all). The inherently egoless, non-dual, and Perfectly Subjective Person of Reality Is Always Already The Case. And That One Who Is Always Already The Case Is Self-Existing Consciousness (Itself) - Which is Self-Radiant, "Bright," All-and-all-Including, All-and-all-Transcending, and All-and-all Pervading As the Indefinable and Indestructible and Unqualifiedly Conscious Love-Bliss-Light That Is the Single (and Perfectly non-dual) Substance (and the inherently egoless Self-Condition) of all conditionally arising beings, things, and conditions. The inherently egoless (or Perfectly Subjective, Perfectly non-objective, and Self-Evidently Divine) Person of Reality must (by Means of Avataric Divine Descent into Conjunction with the conditionally manifested All-an-all) Realize Itself (Most Perfectly, As Such) in human-time, and the inherently egoless (or Perfectly Subjective, Perfectly non-objective, and Self-Evidently Divine) Person of Reality must (by means of Avataric Divine Self-"Emergence," forever, in inherent, and inherently Most Perfect, Coincidence with the conditionally manifested All-and-all) Reveal Itself (Most Perfectly, As Such) in human-time - or else Real God cannot be Mostly Perfectly Found (and, Thus, Most Perfectly Realized, and Most Perfectly Demonstrated) in human-time by any one at all. -Franklin Jones Previous |