(Free Will, Choice)E. Cayce, A.R.E. States: . . . there is no urge in the astrological, in the vocational, in the hereditary or the environmental which surpasses the will or determination of an entity . . . it is true (that) there is nothing in heaven or hell that may separate the entity from the knowledge or from the love of the Creative Force called God, but self (egoic self, false self, psychological self). Know that there is only one Spirit, and that thou possesses thy measure of same. Thy will is given thee to use or abuse that Spirit. For, the Spirit is of the Creator, and thy body is the temple of that Spirit manifested in the earth to defend or to use in thine own glory, or unto the glory of Him who gave thee life and immortality – if ye preserve that life, that spirit in Him. For, when the will to do is ever present and not faltered by doubts and fears that may arise in the experience of all, then does it build, then does it attract that which builds and builds and is the constructive force in the experience of all. While will is the ruling factor and is beyond any environmental, hereditary or innate experience, the entity or individual may allow self to be so governed by mental urges as to become subject to them. For, there is not the same application by the entity in this direction as to its own qualifications and its own abilities in relationships to that which it might have accomplished, as is felt innate in the mental abilities of the self. For here the entity comes to depend upon, or is inclined to blame circumstance for the very things that come into the experience; yet if the entity would declare itself as respecting those things that are as innate qualifications or abilities in these directions, much might be accomplished. As to whether circumstance or environ is to rule an entity's being or experience, or will, depends then – the most – upon what the entity or soul sets as its standard qualifications to meet or measure up to, within its own self; or as to how well self may be guided by its standard in making decisions in those directions. For, would that all souls could know that He, the Giver of good and perfect gifts, is ever ready and willing to assist, even in the minutest details of a human experience, or in those things that deal with the activities of a soul with its fellow man, if the trust will but be put in Him . . . Ask self in the own conscious self, "Shall I do this or not?" The voice will answer within. Then meditate, ask the same, Yes or No. You may be very sure if thine own conscious self and the divine self is in accord, you are truly in that activity indicated, "My spirit beareth witness with thy spirit." You can't get far wrong in following the Word, as ye call the word of God. What, then is will? That which makes for the dividing line between the finite and the infinite, the divine and the wholly human, the carnal and the spiritual. For the will may be made one with HIM, or for self alone. With the Will, then, does man destine in the activities of a material experience how he shall make for the relationships with Truth. End -End of statement175.1www.guardiantext.org Previous |