(Law or Dharma)THE "ONLY" WILL OF GOD IS THAT NO SOUL SHALL STAY separated (OR APART) FOREVER. And that all shall find their way back. This is God's, only will, there is no other; it is called "Dharma" in Hinduism and Buddhism. i.e., The law to remain in at-onement. To connect with the universal self (God) which is prior to creation, you must connect with your inner Self first. For no person can connect with the outside Father unless they connect with the inside "Son." The outside Father "Self" is the same as your inside true "Self" (both are consciousness, also known as spirit). Pain and sufferings are the wordless "prods" of God, so that the soul will try to seek a way out. God does not abandon people. It is people who abandon God. -Hau Ching Ni (i.e., A person identifies with the physical consciousness instead of the universal consciousness.) When people identify with the psychological ego, they lose God realization. (Ye cannot serve two masters at the same time.) The will of God is also the "law" of God, i.e., that no soul shall stay separated from Him. Kind prince, does Tao (eternal self, God) exist as something separate from one's own being? No, my venerable teacher, Tao is not something separate and external to one's own being; however, the human beings of the future will perceive it as such. -Hua Hu Ching, Chap. 79When one is sick of one's sickness (the egoic state of mind) then one can become unsick by the practice of meditation. -Lao TzuAs many as I love, I rebuke and chasten, therefore be zealous and repent. -Jesus, Revelation 3:19Remember, therefore, from where you have fallen: repent (disconnect and separate from your psychological ego) and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lamp stand from its place (light or awareness of consciousness, self awareness) unless you repent. -Jesus, Revelation 2:5God is spiritual (consciousness, as eternal self) and those who worship Him (seek union in meditation) must worship him in spirit and truth (in the condition of spirit and the condition of truth), i.e. During meditation one tries to dissociate from the physical body-brain in order to be pure consciousness and vibrate, or resonate at the same spiritual vibration as the universal spiritual vibrations. If one becomes as pure as God, (in one's consciousness) one becomes the SAME as God (in consciousness). 176.1www.guardiantext.org Previous |