God is the source of all, to know Him is to know all things. -Bhagavadgita"For the things which men, to judge by their own actions, deem the highest good are riches, fame, or sensual pleasure. Of these, the last is followed by satiety and repentance. The other two are never satiated; the more we have, the more we want; while the love of fame compels us to order our lives by the opinions of others. But if a thing is not loved, no quarrels will arise concerning it, no sadness will be felt if it perishes, no envy if an other has it. In short, no disturbances of the mind. All these spring from the love of that which passes away. But the love of a thing eternal and infinite fills the mind wholly with joy, and is unmingled with sadness. Therefore, it is greatly to be desired, and to be sought with all our strength. -SpinozaWisdom is a condition in a being at rest (God-self-realization, i.e., without the psychological egoic mentality, or fear). -PloniusThe highest wisdom is Gold-self-realization. "Wisdom is the accumulation of natural spiritual insights, not the memorization of intellectual knowledge." "Wisdom is the sum total of insights." Insights and wisdom are received from the inside of one's own being. Knowledge or artificial intelligence is received from outside of one's own being. Wisdom comes from within. Intelligence comes from without. Two or more thoughts (from memory) which produce a third thought is not insight or wisdom, it is only a new concept of the mind. 177.1www.guardiantext.org Previous |