Foundations of Geometry.--We come now to the question: what is a priori certain or necessary, respectively in geometry (doctrine of space) or its foundations? Formerly we thought everything--yes, everything; nowadays we think--nothing. Already the distance-concept is logically arbitrary; there need be no things that correspond to it, even approximately. Something similar may be said of the concepts straight line, plane, of three-dimensionality and of the validity of Pythagoras' theorem. Nay, even the continuum-doctrine is in no wise given with the nature of human thought, so that from the epistemological point of view no greater authority attaches to the purely topological relations than to the others. I>Earlier Physical Concepts.--We have yet to deal with those modifications in the space-concept, which have accompanied the advent of the theory of relativity. For this purpose we must consider the space-concept of the earlier physics from a point of view different from that above. If we apply the theorem of Pythagoras to infinitely near points, it reads ds2 = dx2 + dy2 +dz2 where ds denotes the measurable interval between them. For an empirically-given ds the co-ordinate system is not yet fully determined for every combination of points by this equation. Besides being translated, a co-ordinate system may also be rotated.* This signifies analytically: the relations of Euclidean geometry are covariant with respect to linear orthogonal transformations of the co-ordinates. In applying Euclidean geometry to pre-relativistic mechanics a further indeterminateness enters through the choice of the co-ordinate system: the state of motion of the co-ordinate system is arbitrary to a certain degree, namely, in that substitutions of the co-ordinates of the form x' = x - vt y' = y z' = z also appear possible. On the other hand, earlier mechanics did not allow co-ordinate systems to be applied of which the states of motion were different from those expressed in these equations. In this sense we speak of "inertial systems." In these favoured-inertial systems we are confronted with a new property of space so far as geometrical relations are concerned. Regarded more accurately, this is not a property of space alone but of the four-dimensional continuum consisting of time and space conjointly. Appearance of Time.--At this point time enters explicitly into our discussion for the first time. In their applications space (place) and time always occur together. Every event that happens in the world is determined by the space-co-ordinates x, y, z, and the time-co-ordinate t. Thus the physical description was four-dimensional right from the beginning. But this four-dimensional continuum seemed to resolve itself into the three-dimensional continuum of space and the one-dimensional continuum of time. This apparent resolution owed its origin to the illusion that the meaning of the concept "simultaneity" is self-evident, and this illusion arises from the fact that we receive news of near events almost instantaneously owing to the agency of light. This faith in the absolute significance of simultaneity was destroyed by the law regulating the propagation of light in empty space or, respectively, by the Maxwell-Lorentz electrodynamics. Two infinitely near points can be connected by means of a light-signal if the relation *Change of direction of the co-ordinate axes while their orthogonality is preserved. Previous |